It’s a pleasure to finally get this blog (and website) underway. For months I’ve been planning and developing this website, looking into the various software programs that are available for blogging, and working to get it all set up. I’ve gotta say I’m pleased with how it’s turning out and it’s my wish that this will be a site that is functional, informative, and entertaining for you, the reader.
I decided to go with blogging software with this site because of the ease of doing updates. With my other site, Invisible Man Online, updates were a bit of work. Getting posts into the archives or under a specific actor’s category meant creating new pages constantly and it was tough to find the time to keep it up. With blogging software, all that work is taken care of by the program. Archives are automatically created each month and posts are placed into the categories that I assign to them. This makes my life so much easier and gives me more time to work on what’s important: developing the movie.
The categories are a pretty cool feature of the blog. To illustrate, if you’re a fan of Vincent Ventresca and you want to read just the news about him, you’ll be able to click on his name in the categories section and read all the posts that pertain to him. Now don’t go running over to the categories section just yet. As of this date, the category for Vince hasn’t yet been created. Please give me some time. Eventually, I’ll have a category up for, not only Vince, but, also, the rest of our wonderful cast.
Now, I’ve given a lot of thought to what type of content should be on this website. The Invisible Man Online is a fan website from which I have made absolutely no profit. Not a penny. Because of that fact, I took certain liberties with the content. Furthermore, it is also an entertainment news site, albeit its subject matter is limited in scope. In fact, and this is something you may not be aware of, it was approved by ABC as a legitimate news site. This allowed me to have access to all those great pictures of Vince from his stint on Complete Savages that I was able to share with you. Remember those? (Unfortunately, I had to take them down after the show ended.) Anyways, because Invisible Man Online is considered a news site, I exercised the rule of “fair use.”
The rules have changed a bit now. Shoom Zone Productions is a business, and a business is run for profit just like any other business. Now, by necessity, I have to be more careful about posting copyrighted material. However, for the past two years, I’ve enjoyed posting news about the cast and crew’s latest projects, as well finding little gems of info from some of their past projects. I want that to continue and I’m guessing that, if you’re a fan, you want that too. So I’ve decided that the scope of Shoom Zone’s web content will include reporting news about the cast, crew and, at times, the entertainment business; and “fair use” laws should still apply…unless my lawyer tells me otherwise.
In addition, I’ll keep you informed about the progress of the movie. You do want to know about that, right?
I’ll, also, be talking about film production for those of you interested in the subject, both the business and creative sides of the process. Really interesting stuff…at least it is to me.
If anything bores you, feel free to skip over those posts. You won’t hurt my feelings. This blog is meant to appeal to readers of various interests…from fans to filmmakers. So I don’t expect everything I write to interest everyone.
There’s not much content on this website yet, but there will be in time. Feel free to explore the site. If you have any suggestions or ideas on content for the site, please leave a comment.
With a movie in development, this is an exciting time to be a fan of the I-Man cast. I encourage you to bookmark this blog and check back frequently for news and updates.
Congratulations and best wishes in your new venture!
Best of luck.
I’m sure you’ll make it!