If you’re looking for some new I-Man icons to jazz up your profile on bboards and such, here are 60 to choose from. Thanks go to Kansas, the creator of these very cool icons.
If you’re looking for some new I-Man icons to jazz up your profile on bboards and such, here are 60 to choose from. Thanks go to Kansas, the creator of these very cool icons.
Most excellent. It’s about time I added some more I-Man icons for my LJ. Thanks!
Speaking of LJ, this blog has a feed on there now so people can view it on their friends-page if they want to (like myself, ’cause I can’t keep up with anything that’s not on LJ):
You didn’t already have one, did you? Hope I’m not duplicating any efforts already undertaken!
There are also lots more Iman icons at this community:
Thank you, Sheera, for creating a Live Journal feed for this blog! That’s a wonderful idea! The more ways we can make it easy for readers to get news from this blog, the better. Now I really need to go update the Blog Info page. It’s really out of date.
More icons! Cool. Looks like I’ll be needing to write another post soon too.
Thanks again!
Sweet!~ they’re really nice i adored the ALL, maybe i can show you all mine.. just need somewhere to upload ’em all!… 😉