Quick Thoughts on the Invisible Man DVDs

So who else got their DVDs already?  I received mine today.  Boy, was that a nice surprise.  I didn’t expect it so soon.  The first thing I did when I got home was to play the extras.  The comments by Matt Greenberg, Breck Eisner, and Vincent Ventresca during the Pilot were very entertaining.  I even learned a few things about the show that I didn’t know before.

The sit-down with Matt Greenberg was very touching.  I loved his acknowledgement and thanks to fans:

One thing I’d like to say to the fans, which is:  I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.  You guys have been the lifeblood of this show.

My only complaint is that I wish that there had been more bonus features.  But considering how long we’ve waited for these DVDs, that’s a minor matter.  I’m just grateful we finally have them!

5 thoughts on “Quick Thoughts on the Invisible Man DVDs

  1. I just ordered my copy from Amazon.com yesterday and I can’t wait to get it in the mail!!!!!

    Funny (but GREAT) thing, though, is seeing it offered at Columbia House videos, too. I can’t wait! I’m just absolutely over the top about this!

    Whoo Hoo!!!!

  2. Columbia House? Cool! It will be interesting to see which retailers carry the DVD set.

  3. Thanks to my local FYE, I am now a proud owner…
    2 things lay in my future now… Hook my Son and Girlfriend on the show…
    And await Season 2….
    (I’m off to watch………………………..)

  4. Got mine today! They arrived yesterday, but I wasn’t home, so I had to go to the post office today to get them. As much as I love Arnaud, I’m a bit surprised they put a (very bad) picture of him on the box and didn’t include a pic of Mike McCafferty. Weird.How can you leave out Eberts? I wonder if they ever watched the show. *snicker* But hey. I’ll take it! It’s about time! I’m hoping the inclusion of “Legends” is their way of showing that they’re thinking about releasing season 2. I hope so.


  5. I was out of town when mine got here, but I watched the extras. Love the commentary! And of course, Legends is one of my favorite episodes. It’s so nice to be able to watch it on a read TV again!

    Can’t wait for season 2!!!

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