I-Man fan Kristy Seddon would love to see another I-Manicon held and she wants to know if you feel the same way! Here’s what she writes:
The last I-Manicon was held in 2007, with a success with Mike McCafferty and Paul Ben-Victor attending. Since then there has been no I-Man cons held… and it’s time to (at least try) to change that! We miss the fun and love that was shared at the many cons in the past…. let’s do it again!!
This may not work – but at least i tried to make it happen of some sort… either way, i’d love to know those who would Love to see another Con 🙂
So if you feel the same and want to support the idea, please head on over to the I-Manicon 2011 FaceBook page and click on “Like.”
I-Manicon 2011 FaceBook Page