Well, it took a bit of doing and time, but I finally have the pictures up from this year’s I-ManiCon. I want to give a big shout out of thanks to Laura, Joyce, and Tara who generously shared their pictures with me so that I could share them with you. I also want to thank all the fans in the pictures who gave me permission to post their picture.
Following are a couple of photos of Mike and Paul. The rest of the photos can be viewed from the I-ManiCon 2007 Photo Gallery page.
An exhausted Mike McCafferty takes the time to visit with fans.
Paul Ben-Victor poses with his friend and fellow Wire actor, Lev Gorn.
In addition to pictures, a few con reports have come in from fellow attendees. Links to the reports can be found on the I-Maniacs Fan Club’s I-ManiCon 2007 page.
Planning for Next Year’s Con
Next year’s con will be held on July 19, 2008 in Los Angeles, California. If you’re thinking of attending, here are some things you can do now:
- Write down the date in your calendar. Go ahead. Do it now so you don’t forget. I’ll wait.
- Flexibility is the key to enjoying yourself at the con. Remember, there are no guarantees that the cast will be able to attend. Last year all four guys made it, but this year none of the cast was able to come on the actual day of the con. However, we were able to meet with Mike and Paul on the following two subsequent days, so try to plan on spending a few days in LA if possible.
- I-Maniacs are a fun group of people and we like to sightsee, so do come prepared to hang out with us and tour LA.
- Depending on how much notice you need to give at work, reserve your vacation time as early as possible.
- Whether it be a savings account, a piggybank, or under your mattress, start a con fund today. Doesn’t matter if you put in $1 or $100. Just start saving!
Hope to see you next year at I-ManiCon 2008!