If you’re itching to come to the I-ManiCon this summer, you’ll be interested in knowing that the official website is now up. I can’t take credit for doing it this year as I had to bow out due to time constraints. This film project keeps me busy! But, thanks go to Deb, the I-Maniacs Fan Club webmaster, for taking over the job.
This year you can find the con website at the I-Maniacs Fan Club website. The direct link is http://imaniacs.org/cons_events/imanicon2007/index.htm.
Last year, Vincent Ventresca, Paul Ben-Victor, Eddie Jones, and Mike McCafferty were able to attend. It was such a treat to have them there! This year, Joyce, the fan club president, tells us that all four guys are available to come again. Of course, that could change if they have to work, but I’m hoping that all four will be able to make it again this year. No word on whether Shannon Kenny can come yet, but I’m hopeful. It would be so cool to have the entire cast at the con this year.
The registration form is up at the site and the cost of attendance is $40 for the one-day con. Just print out and fill in the form and send it in with your money. The admission price does not include meals. Those are optional. But I highly recommend that you attend the dinner also because you’ll get to dine with the cast. We always take them out to dinner as a token of our appreciation for taking time out of their busy schedules to visit with us.
If you’re sitting on the fence wondering if you should go or not, I can assure you that you’ll find the experience worth your while. It’s a great bunch of fans getting together with a great cast.
Time is running out. There are less than nine weeks to the con, which will take place on July 21, 2007. So get your registration in ASAP!
Hope to see you there!