Name the Movie Characters Contest!


How would you like to go to see a movie and tell your friends that you named one of the characters in the film?  Pretty cool, eh?  To get that opportunity…enter Shoom Zone Productions’ NAME THE MOVIE CHARACTERS CONTEST!  We have five movie characters from our sci-fi project, currently in development, that we are looking to name.  If a name you enter wins, we’ll give that character the winning name and we’ll put your own name in the credits! 

How It Works

  1. Starting November 22, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (“PT”), I’ll post on the Shoom Zone Production Blog (the “Blog”) a short description of one of the characters in the story that needs a name and the actor anticipated to play that role, if applicable.  Here’s the twist.  You won’t know which character it is until it is announced.
  2. You’ll have one week to come up with some cool and interesting names for that character and submit them on the Blog.  
  3. The official competition Judges will have one week to narrow down the submissions by picking the names that best suit the character. 
  4. The names chosen by the Judges will then be posted on the Blog and everyone will get one week to vote for their favorite.  The name with the most votes wins!  If there is a tie, the Judges will break the tie by deciding on the winning name.    

This Contest is open to all human beings on planet Earth.  This Contest is not open to alien beings from other planets or beings from alternate universes. 

Be sure to carefully read all the Contest Rules and the Terms and Conditions (My lawyer went through great pains to write all that legalese!). 

Contest Structure:  The Submission Period for the first character’s name (the “First Round”) begins at 6:00 p.m. PT on November 22 and ends at 6:00 p.m. PT on November 29.  The Judging Period for the First Round begins at 6:00 p.m. PT November 29 and ends at 6:00 p.m. PT on December 6.  The Voting Period for the First Round begins at 6:00 p.m. PT on December 6 and ends at 6:00 p.m. PT on December 13.

Each subsequent Round will start one week after the previous Round starts and will follow the same structure as the First Round.  There are five rounds total—one for each character.

Finalist Notification:  Sponsor will notify the Finalists by email.  The chosen Finalists’ character’s names will be announced shortly thereafter on the Blog.

Winner Notification:  The winning Finalist will be notified by email.  The Finalist’s real name and winning character name will be announced shortly thereafter on the Blog. 

Names:  For some rounds, we may need both a first and last name for the character.  In other rounds, we may specify that we only need a first name.  In some cases, we may have a name already picked out, but we want you to help us decide.  In those cases, we will add the name to the finalist list for all to vote on.

Here’s What You Need to Do

To Enter the Contest: 

  1. During the Submission Period, log on or become a registered member of the Blog.
  2. Every Monday and running for five weeks (starting November 22, 2010 through December 20, 2010), I will post on the Blog a new character that needs a name.  You must submit your entries in the comments section of that Blog post.  You can submit as many names as you wish, but you must submit only one comment for each entry.  So, if you are submitting three names, for example, you will have three separate comments—one for each name/entry.  If there are multiple submissions of the same name, the first person to submit the name will win.  A different spelling of the same name will be treated as a different name.
  3.  Next, fill out the Contest Form at  Be sure to fill it out completely.   
  • Under Real Name enter your first and last name.
  • Under Psuedonym (Handle) enter the name or pseudonym/handle you entered under on the Blog.  (For example, if your real name is Jane Doe, but you used your pseudonym CrazyCat9 on the Blog, enter your pseudonym so that we can match your entries with your real name.)  If you used your real name on the Blog, enter your real name in this field . 
  • Under Email, enter your email address. 
  • If you are over 18 years of age, click the first button.
  • If you are under 18 years of age, you must first get a parent’s or guardian’s permission before you enter the contest.  When you get that permission, click the second button.
  • Finally, press the Submit button.

To Vote:

  1. During the Voting Period, log on or become a registered member of the Blog. 
  2. I will post on the Blog a list of the character names that the Judges chose.  Enter your vote for your favorite name in the comments section of that Blog post.  Only one vote is allowed per voter per character.


  • Amanda Rogers, Producer
  • Shawna Buchanan, Screenwriter
  • Joyce Harrell, I-Maniac Fan Club President
  • Joan McCartney, former Administrator of Perseus Project

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to this contest.  By submitting a name for a character in the movie, and otherwise participating in the contest, you agree to such terms and conditions.  Please read them carefully.

            1.         Shoom Zone Productions (“Producer”) is the sponsor of the contest.  You must be a registered member of the Blog to enter the contest.  If you are under the age of 18, you must also obtain the permission of a parent or guardian before participating in the contest.

            2.         All submissions of names for a character must be received by the close of the Submission Period for that character.  There is no limit to the number of names you may submit for any character.  If there are multiple submissions of the same name, the first person to submit the name will win.  If that person is disqualified from the contest for any reason, the second person who submitted the name will become the winner.  A different spelling of the same name will be treated by the judges as a different name.

            3.         If a participant in the contest does not meet or satisfy one or more requirements of the contest, Producer, in its sole discretion, may disqualify such participant or require such participant to comply fully with the requirements of the contest.  Any participant found by Producer to have tampered with the submission process or the operation of the contest, or to have attempted to do so, or to be in violation of these terms and conditions, or who has acted in a disruptive or unsportsmanlike manner, is subject to disqualification by Producer.

            4.         All decisions regarding the contest, including, but not limited to, eligibility of participants, acceptability of submissions, selection of winning names, and disqualification of participants, shall be within Producer’s sole discretion, and Producer’s decision shall be final and binding upon all participants.

            5.         Producer shall have the right to use all names submitted by you in the contest (whether such names are winning names in the contest or not), and to modify any such names, as Producer, in its sole discretion, shall determine, in and in connection with the movie, and all derivative works of the movie, and the distribution, advertising, and promotion thereof, in all media, markets, and areas, whether now known or hereafter developed, throughout the universe in perpetuity.  As sole consideration for such uses, Producer shall exercise reasonable efforts to include your name in the credits of the movie as a winner of the contest or among the persons and companies thanked or acknowledged by Producer for their contributions to the film. You acknowledge and agree that no further compensation whatsoever will be payable to you in consideration of any and all such uses.  The size, style, manner and placement of any such credit or acknowledgment shall be determined by Producer in its sole discretion.  No casual or inadvertent failure by Producer, nor any failure by any third party, to accord such credit or acknowledgment shall constitute a breach of these terms and conditions.

            6.         You represent and warrant that all names submitted by you in the contest shall be original to and created by you, and shall not infringe upon any rights whatsoever of any other party.  You shall indemnify and hold harmless Producer, its executives, employees, owners, shareholders, directors, members, and its and their representatives, successors, licensees, and assigns (individually and collectively, the “Released Parties”), from any liability or cost whatsoever (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of any breach or alleged breach of such representation and warranty or of any of these terms and conditions.

            7.         Producer shall not be obligated to use any name submitted by you in the movie or otherwise, whether a winning name or not, nor to produce, distribute, or exploit the movie, or any rights related thereto.  This contest shall in no way limit Producer’s right to utilize any name in the public domain, whether included in any submission in the contest or not, in and in connection with the movie, and the exercise of all rights therein and related thereto, without any obligation whatsoever to any participant in the contest.

            8.         Producer shall have the right, but not the obligation, to use your actual name, likeness, voice, appearance, and biography in connection with the advertising, promotion and publicity of the movie, and the exercise of all rights therein and related thereto, as described in Paragraph 5 hereof.

            9.         Any and all submissions made by you in this contest shall constitute “works made for hire” for Producer, and Producer is and shall be considered the author thereof for all purposes and the owner throughout the world of all rights therein.  In connection therewith, you shall sign and deliver to Producer such documents and instruments as Producer shall require to evidence its ownership of such rights or to effectuate the purposes hereof.  If you are considered a minor in the jurisdiction where you reside, your parent or legal guardian must execute all required documents on behalf of you. Noncompliance with any such documents and instruments, these terms and conditions, or any other instructions provided to you may result in disqualification.  Producer shall have the right to assign this agreement, and all rights granted, or agreed to be granted, by you herein, in whole or in part, to any person, firm or corporation.  You shall not assign this agreement, in whole or in part.

            10.       By participating in the contest, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from your participation in the contest or any Released Party’s use of any submission made by you in the contest in accordance with the rights granted herein.

            11.       The Released Parties are not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, incorrect, incomplete, delayed or undelivered submissions, all of which shall be either ineligible or subject to disqualification.  The Released Parties shall not be liable for failed, returned or misdirected notifications due to inaccurate information provided by you, or responses to notifications which are lost, late, incomplete, illegible, unintelligible, misdirected, damaged or otherwise not received, in whole or in part, by Producer.  The Released Parties are not responsible for any other errors or malfunctions of any kind, whether technical, network, printing, typographical, human or otherwise relating to or in connection with the contest, including, but not limited to, errors or malfunctions which may occur in connection with the administration of the contest, the processing or judging of submissions, the incorrect posting of submissions, the announcement of the winners or in any contest-related materials.

            12.       In the event of a dispute regarding online submissions received from multiple users having the same e-mail account, the authorized subscriber of the e-mail account at the time of submission will be deemed to be the participant and he/she must comply with these terms and conditions. The “authorized subscriber” is the natural person who is assigned the e-mail address by the Internet service provider, online service provider, or other organization responsible for assigning e-mail addresses.

            13.       Producer reserves the right to suspend, modify or cancel this contest, or any participant’s participation therein, at any time, in its sole discretion, if a computer virus, bug, unauthorized intervention, or any other problem corrupts the administration or security of this contest, or for any other reason, and, if this contest is cancelled, to select the winners from among the non-suspect, eligible entries received during the applicable Submission Period prior to the cancellation date, using the selection procedure set forth herein.

            14.       The operation of this contest, and these terms and conditions, shall be governed by California and applicable federal law.  In the event of any dispute between the parties arising out of or relating to this agreement, the parties agree to submit such dispute to arbitration conducted in San Francisco, California, pursuant to the commercial rules of arbitration of the American Arbitration Association.  Any arbitrator utilized shall have substantial experience in the theatrical motion picture industry.  The prevailing party in any such arbitration shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

Website Updates

If you haven’t visited the Shoom Zone Productions website lately, you should take a look around. It’s going through a complete overhaul. This has been needed for quite a while, but when my lawyer told me that I needed to get a privacy policy up on my website, I knew I would have to make a page for it and, well, it was time to give the site a much-needed facelift. So far, I have the blog done and the home page is getting close to being done.

I’ve had to reevaluate what kind of content I want on this site and have decided to separate out the Invisible Man content such as the fan artwork and the I-Manicon pictures.  Shoom Zone will continue to be the place where you can keep up with the movie project and get news on what the cast is doing.  But all the I-Man content will go back to The Invisible Man Online website.

After much thought on the matter, I found that I just didn’t have the heart to close the website.  But, if I was going to keep it, I needed to give the website an overhaul and make it easy to maintain.  So, I’m happy to unveil a whole new look for The Invisible Man Online!  The basic structure is there, but right now there are a lot of empty pages that need to be filled.  After I move over all the I-Man artwork and I-Manicon pictures, I’ll be slowly adding content to the site as time permits.  After all, the movie comes first!  However, I just wrote my first blog post on the site and I put out a call for help.  I’m hoping some fans will be willing to pitch in and help with the website.  If you can, please let me know.

We’re getting close to launching the contest and you’ll notice that the fabulous artwork of fan Kristy Seddon from Australia is already up on the homepage of this website.  The Terms and Conditions for the contest are done.  While I’m waiting for the privacy policy, I’ll be getting a web page ready for it and tweaking some of the contest rules.  We’re getting close!

Twists and Turns in the Road

Sometimes life can take unexpected twists and turns and that can especially be said about the film development process.   Back in January I told you that I was going to start writing a story reference guide (also called a story bible).  I estimated that I could get it done in a couple of weeks.  What I didn’t imagine is that I would still be writing it ten months later.  Boy, was my estimate off!  See, what I didn’t count on was getting into a seven-car pileup in February.  I couldn’t have imagined back then how much that would affect my life.  I know I already mentioned this back in March, but while the pain was starting to decrease, I didn’t know then that my sleep issues would continue all the way into July.  I’ve had six long months of feeling like a zombie.  Yeah, I felt like the walking dead…barely able to function and stay awake during the day because of being unable to stay asleep at night.  Let me tell you, being a zombie is highly overrated.  I don’t recommend it.  Needless to say, the film project came to a screeching halt.  I managed to attend some cool workshops and meetings, but that’s about it.  I can’t tell you how frustrated that made me feel.  But that was then and now I’m relieved to be feeling much better, and my energy is returning.  I’m getting back on track with the project.  Finally!  

Project Update

So let me catch you up on what’s going on.  I’m working on the story bible again and have most of the character bios and psuedoscience done.  As I make progress with it I’m seeing things that need be fixed in the treatment, so we’ll need to give the treatment another once over before it goes to the story analyst.  


I’m also working on something that will involve all of you—a contest!  Yep, I’ve got a cool little contest coming that I think you will like.  It involves you getting to name some of the characters in the movie!  Australian fan Kristy Seddon has created some darling artwork for the contest that I can’t wait to show you.   I’m editing the contest rules and my lawyer is just about finished with the Terms and Conditions section.  After I review everything and make sure that everything is correct, I’ll be posting it up on the blog.  So put your thinking cap on and start thinking of names!   

I-Manicon Update

As of the date of this posting, there are 16 people so far who want to see another I-Manicon happen.  One of them is Mike McCafferty (Eberts).  Mike wants to see another I-Manicon happen!  How about you?  If you support this idea, please go to the I-Manicon 2011 Facebook Page and hit the “Like” button.  Okay, I know the economy is tough right now, but I think we can do better than 16 people!  

Distribution Series

I have a series of articles coming up that I’m going to be writing for the United Filmmakers Association.  I’m going to be interviewing distribution companies.  This was supposed to start this month but, tragically, one of the sweetest little cats in the world fell ill and passed away suddenly.  I feel like I’ve lost a child.  It’s been a rough few weeks and I’m still not completely over it, but they say that time heals all wounds.  So this project has been pushed back a bit.  I have a lot of homework to do, in the form of studying the distribution process, before I can begin to ask distributors the right questions.  But I’m looking forward to the challenge.  Distribution is one of toughest and important challenges that producers face.


Shoom Zone Productions now has a Facebook page!  So how about giving my page some love by hitting the “Like” button?
This blog is going to be getting busier in the future because there is a bunch of news that needs to be announced, so stay tuned!

Leila 2000 - 9/25/10. Taken from me too soon. I miss my sweet little girl.

A Stranger From the Outside!

Last month I visited Pixar studios in Emeryville for the first time.  It was a rare opportunity to see both the studio and Geena Davis, who was speaking there on the subject of women in the media.  The event was sponsored by Bay Area Women in Film & Media (BAWIFM). 


I’m a huge admirer of Pixar.  The fact that every film they make hits it out of the ballpark just blows me away, so I jumped at the chance to visit this remarkable studio in person. Security is pretty tight at the studio.  You better have an appointment and/or be on their visitor list to get in.  They don’t offer tours to the public.  Once inside the gate you are directed to the large parking lot.  After parking, I and several others ended up having to wait around outside the building for the doors to unlock.  Once inside we were given our visitor badges.  The funny thing about those badges is that we were not called visitors.  Instead we were designated as strangers from the outside!  Check out the picture below.

Once inside we had to wait for quite a while in the massive lobby, called the atrium, for the theater to open.  But, as usual, BAWIFM took good care of us and offered us drinks while we were waiting.  I ran into a couple of people that I had met before and I met a few new people also, which is always my goal at any kind of networking event.

I am so kicking myself that I didn’t bring a camera with me.  I could have shown you some pretty cool pictures.  The lobby is huge.  There’s a cafeteria on one side and on the other a mail room, a store (that was unfortunately closed), and a game room for employees.  Life-size figures of various characters from the Pixar movies are sprinkled throughout such as the monsters from Monsters, Inc., the cars from Cars, and the family from The Incredibles.  There was a big giant chair in one corner which you could actually climb up on and get your picture taken.  Another photo opportunity was the action figure package that was big enough for a person to get into and pretend to be an action figure. 

Before you hate me too much for not taking pictures, let me point you to The Pixar Blog where you can see photos of the studio for yourself.  The blogger who toured the studio was able to get some great photos of both the inside and outside of the studio.  Check out the rest of the blog too.  It’s a great blog for everything Pixar!  And for even more photos check out for even more fantastic photos taken on press day.

Geena Davis

After what seemed like a long wait, we were finally admitted into the theater.  I got a great seat in the second row with a great view.  However, I didn’t even notice Geena sitting in the first row until she was announced.  What struck me about her was how tall she is.  She is about 6 feet tall according to IMDb, but with heels on she easily stood around 6’3″.  She’s stunning.  I would have never known she was 54 if I hadn’t looked it up.  She could easily pass for her late thirties.  Geena immediately put the audience at ease with her graciousness, humor, and intelligence (she is a member of Mensa). 

Geena’s purpose that evening was to talk to us diverse group of film people about the roles of women in the media, specifically, the number of females in children’s programs and how they are portrayed.  Geena’s quest started about six years ago when she noticed an imbalance in the ratio of male to female  characters while watching TV programs and videos with her young daughter.  This caused her to undertake a research project about gender in children’s programs and to later start the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media.  Her goal is to make the entertainment industry more aware of not only the number of females in children’s entertainment but, also, how females are portrayed.  This means showing female characters that have aspirations beyond romance and are valued for their inner qualities as opposed to just being valued for their looks.

I wish I had videotaped her speech that night, but here is a recent interview of Geena by Sir David Frost that you can watch that gives a shortened version of what she talked about that night.