Vince Gets Cast in a Film

I was going to wait until I had a bit more information about this project, then I thought, why wait?  We all are interested in knowing about Vincent Ventresca’s projects, so I’ll give you what little I do know about this film.

The title of the film is Sorry, though that may just be the working title.  It appears to be a small independent film, possibly even a short film created specifically for a film festival.  If that’s true, I’m not sure what our chances are of getting to see it.  A lot depends on what the filmmaker’s goals are for the film.  Filming is supposed to start in a few weeks.

I’ll keep my ears open and if I find out more, I’ll let you know.

Vincent Ventresca

An Update on “The Good Steno” and “Should’ve Been Romeo”

More articles have been written about Paul Ben-Victor’s play The Good Steno, which he co-wrote with his mother, Leah Kornfeld Friedman.

Paul and His Mother, Leah Kornfeld Friedman writes an entertaining and informative article about the play and in it we also get a tidbit of personal info about Paul.  Paul’s age is revealed to be 48.  It also says that he is the youngest of three children. 

Reading farther down the article, I was happy that we finally get to hear an update about Paul’s screenplay Should’ve Been Romeo, which he collaborated on with his mother, “about a middle-aged actor forced to care for his live-in grandfather.”  According to the article, it “is currently making the rounds of producers’ offices.”  Let’s hope it gets optioned! 

Heading over to the The Good Steno website, you’ll see that a blog has been added to the site.  Just click the link at the top of the page or scroll down a bit to see it.  Clicking on any article will take you to the actual blog site.  Do check out the pictures of Paul and his parents! 

Exploring The Good Steno blog even more, you’ll see that Variety magazine wrote a very nice review about the play that is quoted in this blog post.

There are just three more weeks left to see Paul perform live on stage!  So if you don’t want to miss out, go to to purchase tickets.

Invisible Man Fun Facts: The Keeper

Here are a few little known facts about The Keeper that you might find interesting.

  • Claire’s name was originally supposed to be Kyle.  Yes, Kyle.  I kid you not.  Somewhere along the way it was changed to Claire.
  • The Keeper is an expert in Animal Defense Mechanisms and is a D.V.M.  Makes sense since she had all those animals in her lab.
  • Claire is also a M.D., a specialist in neurotoxicology and cellular biology, among other things. 
  • Matt Greenberg established from the beginning of the series that The Keeper knew Darien’s brother, Kevin, well (even though we didn’t find out until the episode Brother’s Keeper).  In fact, Matt had intended that Darien would eventually find out about the relationship between Kevin and The Keeper. 

Did you learn something new?  Well, stay tuned and I’ll share more Invisible Man Fun Facts in future posts.

Reviews Coming In for “The Good Steno”

I’m passing on to all of you a link and some audience reviews that Paul Ben-Victor sent me yesterday.  The link is to a great article about Paul’s play The Good Steno, which is currently playing at the Hayworth Theater in Los Angeles, California.  He also included some raving audience reviews (see below).

I love the mother/son picture of Paul and his mom, Leah Cornfeld Friedman, that is included in the article.  To read the article and view the pictures go to

Paul’s play runs until March 25, 2007, so there’s still time to catch it!  Go to for ticket information.

Audience Reviews

“The Good Steno” is one of the best plays I’ve seen anywhere in years.  Absolute perfection: the writing, the casting, the acting, the staging, the music, the choreography, the fun, the laughs and pain intermingled seamlessly and with great effect.  I have recommended it to friends, colleagues and family with full confidence that I have done them a great favor if they check out what theater is meant to be and do for the human heart and psyche.

We still can’t stop talking or thinking about the play…the inventiveness, the performances, the continuity, the structure, the choreography, the UNBELIEVABLE talent all around!  It is so rare to go to a play where everyone knocks it out of the ballpark!!  Seriously.  SERIOUSLY.
A sensational job on all fronts!
Jen & Steve

The Good Steno is a must-see! The stellar writing gives a sense of total authenticity to the time and place. The cast of beautifully-crafted characters delivers a jaw-dropping performance. The story unfolds at a pace unbeknownst to Black Box theatre ’til now. The comedy, the suspense…it stays with you for days…
Amy Belasen

What a  magnificent play!  What wonderful work Leah and Paul did together – the characters and the world they created stays with me!
sally lapidus

Thanks again for the wonderful evening. I really enjoyed the play… the wonderful  dialogue / language and Paul Ben-Victor’s excellent acting and direction. Wow – there sure was a lot going on on that  stage.

Well, I’m blown away. What a beautifully realized production. Great cast, great direction and a fabulous play. I loved it all and it certainly captured a time and place that resonates for me.

We have told many friend’s about the play . I thought about it for several days after. It was FANTASTIC!!!  WOW! What an undertaking!  We haven’t seen great theater in such a long time.

Had a great time the other night. Really great piece of work.  Acting was superb.  Do you know if there’s any way I could get a copy of Paul Ben-Victor’s play? I’d really like to read it before I see it AGAIN.
All the best,

We loved the play.  I seriously can’t wait to see it again!

I heard it was great!  I’m def coming.
mike rappaport

Mike Reprises His Ghost Role in “Chad Vader 6”

Mike McCafferty is back again as a ghost in episode six of Chad Vader

This web series that is getting some very nice attention.  Not long ago I saw it on the home page of  And, recently, it was nominated as one of VH1’s 40 Greatest Internet Superstars.  If you want to help Chad Vader get on VH1, vote for it at  If it makes the list, it will appear on VH1 on Friday, April 6, at 8:00 p.m.

Now go watch the episode on YouTube or incur the wrath of Vader. 

Mike McCafferty