“On The Lot” Announces Their 50 Semi-Finalists

Back in December I blogged about the upcoming reality show On The Lot.  Now after months of waiting, it’s hard to believe the show begins airing next week on Fox

Out of 12,000 videos that were submitted to the show, only 50 made it to the semi-finals.  Wow.  Talk about tough competition.  So today, as I was scanning the list of semi-finalists’ names for the first time, I was thrilled to see that one name in particular had made it through:  Karla Jean Davis.

Karla is a very talented 25-year old tape operator from Altanta, Georgia.  I’ve only had time to watch a very small portion of all those submissions and, fortunately, Karla’s was one of them.  I was immediately impressed with her talent and right away added her film to my favorites list.  Well, it looks like Steven Spielberg has taken note of her talent also and has chosen her for the top 50.  I’m tickled pink for her!  I should mention that Karla is also a blog mailing list subscriber, so if I seem a bit biased, I admit it.  I totally am.  Way to go, Karla!  Congratulations on making it into the semi-finals.  I’ll be rooting for you! 

Be sure to check out Karla’s film submission.


On The Lot airs its two audition rounds next Tuesday, May 22, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT and Thursday, May 24, at 9:30 p.m. ET/PT.

50 On the Lot Semi-Finalists Announced

I-Man Poetry Contest

Time to put on your thinking caps, get your creative juices flowing, and break out the pen and paper because this year’s I-ManiCon features an I-Man poetry contest. 

Following are the rules of the contest so, if you’re interested in entering the competition, please read them carefully.  Questions should be sent to I_Man_Poetry@yahoo.com

I imagine that eventually these rules will be up on an official I-ManiCon website, but for now I’m helping to get the word out about the contest so that contestants have time to create their masterpieces…err, entries. 

Have fun with it!

  1. Submissions must be original works related in some way to The Invisible Man (2000); this may be in theme, use of characters, etc.  However, no flaming of real-life persons or companies associated with the show, its production, or its airing will be allowed.
  2. Submissions may be any style of verse, including songs. Submissions must be no longer than 350 words.
  3. Entrants must be members of the I-Maniacs, a.k.a. The Invisible Man Fan Club.
  4. Submissions should be sent to I_Man_Poetry@ yahoo.com as e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word document format (.doc extension), 1 poem
    per file. “I-Man Poetry Contest” should be in the subject line, or the e-mail may be mistaken as spam and discarded.
  5. Entrants may submit as many original works as they like.
  6. Entrants should be sure to include, on each page of each entry, their name or handle as they would like it to appear on any awards certificate, list of winners, or publication. Judging will be anonymous.
  7. All persons submitting work agree to allow, without monetary remuneration, their submissions to be printed, published online, or otherwise distributed by the contest coordinators, including officers of the I-Maniacs, a.k.a. The Invisible Man Fan Club, and members of the club who actually work on the I-Man Poetry Contest before, during, and/or after I-ManiCon 2007, in perpetuity. All persons submitting work retain the right to print, publish, or otherwise distribute their
    submissions in any form they may choose.
  8. Submissions are due no later than 11:59 p.m. on July 9, 2007 to allow time for printing. Submissions received after this date will be excluded. Submissions will be judged at I-ManiCon 2007 in Los Angeles on July 21. Entrants need not be present to win.
  9. Submissions must be rated G, PG, or PG-13; anything excessively vulgar or explicit will not be considered for the contest or for publication. Mild profanity may be allowed if it fits within the context of the poem, to be determined by the contest coordinator. The GD, F and S words are forbidden; all others will be considered on a case-by-case situation. The safest way to avoid this problem is to avoid this kind of language. “Crap” is not profanity.
  10. These rules subject to updating or clarification, so please check back from time to time to make sure there have been no changes; entrants will be notified via e-mail if any important changes occur after they submit, but it should not affect their entries.

“On The Lot”

There have been dancing contests, singing contests, and various other assorted talent contests gracing our TV screens over the past few years.  Now, finally, there is a contest for filmmakers.  It’s about time!

On the Lot is a new FOX reality show “brought to you by reality show mastermind, Mark Burnett, and legendary producer and director, Steven Spielberg.”  It works similiar to the way American Idol works.  Out of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of applicants who submit their short films online, only 16 will be chosen for the show. 

Over the course of a season, they will produce new short films every single week in different genres such as comedy, horror, mystery, drama, etc.  That’s one week to go from script development, to pre-production, to shooting, to post-production.  Whew!  Makes me tired just thinking about it.  Viewers at home will get to vote for their favorites and the contestant with the least votes goes home. The filmmaker left standing gets a $1 million development deal with DreamWorks.

On The Lot will air next spring on FOX, but the search for the 16 finalists has already begun.  Hundreds of short films have already been uploaded to the official On The Lot website located at http://www.thelot.com/

When I’m able steal a few minutes away from other obligations, I love to go to the site and check out the submissions.  Quite a community has developed there already.  Once you sign up on the website, you can rate the films you watch using a star system and leave comments about the films if you wish.  Similiar to MySpace, you can blog, post photos, have a friends list, and a favorite films list, among other features. 

Just like American Idol, people of various talents and abilities are trying out for this contest, from absolute beginners to those who have been making films for many years.  Watching the films and reading the comments is a learning experience in of itself.  Some of the more experienced filmmakers offer constructive criticism in their comments, which can help one develop an eye for what works and what doesn’t in a film.  Whenever I watch one of the films, I find myself analyzing what I think is right and wrong with the film and then I go read the comments and see if I caught what others caught.  Of course, taste is very subjective, so I skip over comments that are personal opinion and pay attention to the comments that deal more with the technical and artistic aspects of filmmaking.

When I first found out about On The Lot, I knew that it would be a must see show for me, but it has become even more now because a friend of mine has entered the contest.

John Meredith is a beginning filmmaker whom I met in a filmmaking class last year.  He wrote, produced, directed, and starred in the film he submitted entitled Boy Trouble.  The film also features his darling daughter and a neighbor girl.  I’ve got to hand it to him, he’s much braver than I am.  He made this film with absolutely no crew!

Many in the online filmmaking community have taken the time to help John out by offering some great constructive criticism.  Whether he is chosen as one of the contestants of the show or not, I know that with his love for filmmaking and his determination, he’ll continue to grow and develop as a filmmaker.

Check out John’s film at http://films.thelot.com/films/1559.

Addendum:  John just read this post and gave me the low-down on the actress (whom I described as a neighbor girl above) in his film.  Her name is Tasha Trujillo. Tasha was second runner-up to Miss California in 2004, is currently host of the nationally broadcast TV show Latin Eyesis a San Francisco 49er cheerleader, a former San Jose Sabercat Cheerleader, and was Miss San Francisco Bay Area in 2004.  She is 25 years old.

10 Day Take

Do you have a great idea for a TV show?  Would you like the opportunity to go to Hollywood to produce it?  Well, then, you might want to consider entering Ziddio’s 10 Day Take contest.

The winner gets flown out to Hollywood for 10 days and is given a budget of $50,000 to produce their TV pilot, as well as access to a team of experts and execs to help with the shooting.

Now, $50,000 is peanuts when compared to Hollywood’s budgets, but what an experience that could be and, who knows, it might even open up some doors and start a career for a budding filmmaker.

Even if you’re not interested in entering the contest, you’ve got to watch the first video.  Doesn’t that remind you of a certain Fry’s Trek experience?