The IT Room

Mike McCaffertyI apologize that this piece of news is over a week late, but I’ve been snowed under with homework.  It’s the middle of the semester and our assignments are getting more complicated and, thus, more time consuming.  In addition, I’ve also taken a business plan class and a cash flow analysis class within the last couple of weeks.  Busy.  Busy.

But I don’t want to talk about my classes tonight.  Let’s talk about The IT Room!  This is a brand new webisode series starring Mike McCafferty.  It’s a cute little show that pokes fun at IT problems.  I think a lot of us can probably find something to relate to here.  I know I sure can.  You may, also, find it fascinating that this show is completely improvised.

Look around the site and you’ll find lots of ways you can interact and help out.  They are looking for IT horror stories, which you can submit via a video or their blog.  You can even submit a design for the official IT Room t-shirt.  There’s a couple of contests with some pretty cool prizes too.

The first episode went online on November 11 and is ready for you to watch.  Simply go to to view it!


Mike in “Carpoolers”

Mike and RebeccaBe sure to tune in this Tuesday, November 6, at 8:30 p.m./7:30 p.m. central, for Carpoolers on ABC.  Our own Mike McCafferty has a guest role on the show!  The name of the episode is “A Divorce to Remember” and in it he plays the role of Reverend Horton.  As usual, be sure to check your local listings for the time and channel in your area.

The picture to the right is a sneak peak of Mike dressed as Reverend Horton.  The actress standing next to him is Rebecca Romijn, who also has a guest role in this episode.

Mike Sings A Cappella!

Back when Mike McCafferty was attending college at Eastern Michigan University, he and three of his college buddies formed an a cappella group called the A.Y.U. Quartet (Atomic Young Ultrasonics).

Now, you have an opportunity to see Mike perform live with this group because, after 15 years, the A.Y.U. Quartet is having a reunion concert!  They’re going back to Ypsilanti, Michigan, for a one-night-only performance to be held at the Sponberg Theater on the Easter Michigan University campus.  The date is Saturday, September 22, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.  Tickets can be bought at the door or through EMU Online Ticketing.  Prices are $15 for general admission,  $12 for students, $9 for Mainstage Members, and $6 for kids ages 5-12. 

Map to Theater

AYU Quartet

You can check out how talented these guys are by listening to a small selection of their songs on the A.Y.U Quartet MySpace Page and also on the CD Baby site (where you can buy their CDs).

Scroll down further on their MySpace page to watch a video of their various performances.  The same video is also available for viewing in two different sizes on the Michigan Travel website.  It’s lots of fun to watch and it includes some high praise from comedian/actor Soupy Sales.

I-ManiCon 2007 Pictures and Reports

Well, it took a bit of doing and time, but I finally have the pictures up from this year’s I-ManiCon.  I want to give a big shout out of thanks to Laura, Joyce, and Tara who generously shared their pictures with me so that I could share them with you.  I also want to thank all the fans in the pictures who gave me permission to post their picture.

Following are a couple of photos of Mike and Paul.  The rest of the photos can be viewed from the I-ManiCon 2007 Photo Gallery page.

Mike McCafferty

An exhausted Mike McCafferty takes the time to visit with fans. 

Paul Ben-Victor and Lev Gorn

Paul Ben-Victor poses with his friend and fellow Wire actor, Lev Gorn.

In addition to pictures, a few con reports have come in from fellow attendees.  Links to the reports can be found on the I-Maniacs Fan Club’s I-ManiCon 2007 page.

Planning for Next Year’s Con

Next year’s con will be held on July 19, 2008 in Los Angeles, California.  If you’re thinking of attending, here are some things you can do now:

  1. Write down the date in your calendar.  Go ahead.  Do it now so you don’t forget.  I’ll wait.
  2. Flexibility is the key to enjoying yourself at the con.  Remember, there are no guarantees that the cast will be able to attend.  Last year all four guys made it, but this year none of the cast was able to come on the actual day of the con.  However, we were able to meet with Mike and Paul on the following two subsequent days, so try to plan on spending a few days in LA if possible.
  3. I-Maniacs are a fun group of people and we like to sightsee, so do come prepared to hang out with us and tour LA.
  4. Depending on how much notice you need to give at work, reserve your vacation time as early as possible.
  5. Whether it be a savings account, a piggybank, or under your mattress, start a con fund today.  Doesn’t matter if you put in $1 or $100.  Just start saving!

Hope to see you next year at I-ManiCon 2008!

Mike on “American Body Shop” Tonight

I meant to get this blog out a few days ago to give everyone enough of a heads up, but life has been insanely busy lately and, yeah, I’m behind on my blogging.  I apologize to those of you on digest who won’t see this until tomorrow.

Anyhoo, Mike McCafferty has a guest role tonight on Comedy Central’s new show American Body Shop, which is scheduled to air at 10:30 p.m. Pacific/9:30 p.m. Central.  Be sure to check your local listings for the time and channel in your area. 

Originally, Mike had tried out for a series regular role on the show, but it turned into a guest role instead.  You can read all about the highs and lows of the audition process for this show from the man himself in this post from his MySpace blog

He may not have landed a series regular role, but he did get his own action figure.  This doll (oops…I mean action figure) cracks me up.  Check out the following picture. 

American Body Shop Action Figure

You can get a sneak peak of Mike in his role as Mansfield in the trailer entitled Peak Under the Hood on the American Body Shop home page

In related news, the story of how Sam Greene, the show’s creator, sold his show idea to Comedy Central is a fascinating one.  It’s a story of how sheer tenacity is often needed to make it in Hollywood. 

According to the Hollywood Reporter, “Greene, who had spent 20 years writing spec material for film and TV but never sold a project…decided to shoot his own pilot, stick it in an envelope and mail it directly to the network powers-that-be.”  He was ready to give up when one day he got a call telling him “that Comedy Central wanted to develop his project.”  You can read the rest of his story at the Hollywood Reporter website.

In another somewhat related story, it would be easy to assume that all working network writers in Hollywood would automatically be members of the WGA (Writers Guild of America) with all the rights and protection such a membership afforded them, right?  Wrong.  Writers on several Comedy Central shows, which includes American Body Shop, have only recently reached an agreement with the network for WGA contracts.  You can read more about this at

Mr. Sprinkles and Eberts

Hello team,

Sadly, L33t Haxxors 4 did not win the final contest on Acceptable TV because, well, we got hacked.

The winner, a good friend of mine who is also the creator of the wildly popular “Chad Vader” series, posted on his site that his show was up for voting. Ambitious readers, noting that voting was unlimited, took that to heart and set up autoclicking programs to rig the game. We tried to fight it with our own ballot stuffing but in the last hours of voting, we lost by 2%. Ugh.

I mention L33t here because as writer and co-director of the past 3 episodes I’ve definitely started to mold the duo of Overlord and Razorwire to resemble Fawkes and Hobbes, respectively. I think they’re really starting to hit their stride and hopefully we’ll shoot a few more of these. Take another look and see if you can spot the similarities.

Also, check out the last three episodes of Mr. Sprinkles. I did the voice of Agent Pedone, who works for Homeland Security. I was surprised that the animation looked a lot like Eberts! I hadn’t even thought about that until I saw the first episode and then it hit me that this could be Eberts, post 9/11. Admittedly, a harsher, no nonsense version, but hey, it’s been quite a few years since we’ve seen him so who knows?

As far as the I-Man, well, you know the story thus far. I’d love to get the cast together for a little I-man short in the vein of the Star Trek online series that use Trek talent. It’d be a non-profit fan film, maybe something to jump start the whole process of a feature. I dunno, if you all support this, maybe you should post comments and let me know.

Having said that, I support Amanda’s quest to bring us all back to the big screen some how. She’s tireless and fearless, both of which are crucial in the battle against Hollywood. I know she’ll succeed someday, when is the million dollar question.

