Universal to Make “Invisible Man” Movie

If you haven’t heard about this yet, don’t get too excited.  This is not our Invisible Man.  Instead, this will be a sequel to H.G. Wells’ original story that focuses on the British nephew of the original Invisible Man.  The story is to be set during World War II.  David Goyer will write and direct the film.

Well, I don’t think I need to tell you that I think Universal totally missed the boat on this one.  They own the rights to our Invisible Man and yet they choose to ignore it and make a film that is a sequel of the original.  What a shame.

Variety:  Goyer eyes U’s new ‘Invisible’ film

Cinematical:  David Goyer Will Write and Direct ‘The Invisible Man’

Sci Fi “Invisible Man” Forum is Back!

Well, it took them four months, but The Invisible Man bboard is back on SciFi.com!  If you’re a new reader and don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, please refer to my January 28, 2007 post entitled Urgent: The Sci Fi Invisible Man Forum Needs Your Vote! 

You’ll be happy to know that I-Man had the most votes and beat out all the other shows in the poll.  Way to go I-Man fans!  Now I’m hoping (hint, hint) that there will be lots of support for the I-Man bboard so that we don’t run the risk of losing it again like we did before because of disuse.

What’s really cool is that the administrators are asking the fans of each show to create the introductory message for their show’s forum.  Here’s a message explaining about that from Admin1 from the Sci Fi forum: 

Welcome to our new forums for some long-time favorite shows. We invite you to work together to create a 30-word-max message that introduces your show and invites forum members to participate. For example, Doctor Who’s message is “Fancy a trip in a TARDIS? With ten Doctors and countless Companions to choose from, you’ll have plenty to talk about here in the official Doctor Who discussion forum.”

You might want to use this thread as your working area, then, when you’re reading, PM your proposals to admin and admin1!

If you’re interested in helping to create the introductory message for the I-Man forum, I hope you’ll go to the “SCI FI Favorites” thread and we can brainstorm together! 

Invisible Man Forum

Videos by Danielle

A few years back there existed a really great website dedicated to Vincent Ventresca called vincentventresca.net.  The site was attractive, well organized, and a fan could find virtually everything about Vince’s roles and career there. Danielle, a very talented fan, created and ran the site. 

Well, life got busy for Danielle and the website is no more, but a whole slew of her videos she either saved or created are residing on YouTube for our enjoyment.  Danielle was kind enough to let me post links to her videos so that you can easily find and enjoy them too.  She’s got a great assortment of videos. 

To start things off, here’s the actual trailer used to advertise the pilot of The Invisible Man.

Invisible Man Trailer

Here’s a great interview with Vince where he answers questions from the old Invisible Man bboard.  The audio seems to be a bit out of sync and it abruptly stops after seven minutes, but it’s still worth watching.

The Invisible Man Bboard Interviews Vincent Ventresca

Danielle created a whole slew of I-Man music videos that are a lot of fun to watch.

In The End

Die Another Day

Enemy Within

Darien’s Rap

The Return

On My Own


Disappearing Boy

Eberts Day


These 5 Words


One Wish

Sexy Darien

Danielle created this Prey music video.


Here’s a old commercial from 1995 that Vince was in.

Vincent Ventresca Pepsi Commercial

Finally, here’s a music video dedicated to Vince’s various roles.

The Many Faces of Ventresca


Invisible Man Fun Facts: The Keeper

Here are a few little known facts about The Keeper that you might find interesting.

  • Claire’s name was originally supposed to be Kyle.  Yes, Kyle.  I kid you not.  Somewhere along the way it was changed to Claire.
  • The Keeper is an expert in Animal Defense Mechanisms and is a D.V.M.  Makes sense since she had all those animals in her lab.
  • Claire is also a M.D., a specialist in neurotoxicology and cellular biology, among other things. 
  • Matt Greenberg established from the beginning of the series that The Keeper knew Darien’s brother, Kevin, well (even though we didn’t find out until the episode Brother’s Keeper).  In fact, Matt had intended that Darien would eventually find out about the relationship between Kevin and The Keeper. 

Did you learn something new?  Well, stay tuned and I’ll share more Invisible Man Fun Facts in future posts.

Talented Fans

It’s always fun to see what other fans have done to show their love for The Invisible Man.  Fan art is just one of the means that fans use to express themselves and I’m mentioning it now because, recently, a whole page of fan art was brought to my attention by Holly.  She and a few other fans have created and posted some pretty cool artwork and graphics on this page.

As an example, here’s a darling Chibi Darien drawn by Rain, a fan from Australia, who was kind enough to let me post it here.  Isn’t he adorable?

Chibi Darien

To view more artwork by these talented I-Man fans go to Deviant Art.

Five Years Ago Today…

Five years ago today the Sci Fi Channel aired the last new episode of The Invisible Man, thus bringing to a close a show that ended all too quickly and deserved a much, much longer run.  By the time the last episode, entitled The New Stuff, aired, we all knew that the show had been cancelled and yet many of us were hoping that by some miracle someone in authority would see fit to continue it and give the show the chance it deserved. 

With anticipation we watched Darien getting closer to permanent madness as the Counteragent was losing its effectiveness.  How would he be saved?  Would the Keeper find a way to safely remove the gland?  Knowing that Craig Silverstein wrote the last two episodes as closure to one chapter of Darien’s life and the beginning of a new chapter, that scenario didn’t seem likely. 

Would a new counteragent be developed?  Perhaps giving Darien more time between shots?  That was a possibility.  But, instead, a cure was found for the madness, courtesy of his nemesis, Arnaud de Fehrn. 

In the end, Darien chose to stay with the Agency, which meant that the series could go forward with the same characters we had grown to love.  Not knowing whether the series would continue or not, Craig had set up a sort of closure for Darien and the series, and yet left the door wide open for many more new stories. 

I miss this show.

Each of us who call ourselves fans can describe how this show has touched us and why, after five years, we are still here, still hoping.  We’ve come to care, not for just the show and its characters, but also for the actors who portrayed the characters.  Over the years we’ve been able to interact with them online via bulletin boards, chat rooms, and blogs; and some of us have been able to meet them in person.  We’ve had a relationship with them that very few, if any, fandoms ever develop with their cast.  They have generously given us that unique opportunity.  They all love the show and would be willing to come back to it, and they all enjoyed working with each other and would love to do so again.

It’s for that reason that I’ve taken on this project.  It’s not the project I originally set out to do.  Believe me, I would love to be producing an I-Man movie; and if it weren’t for that little issue of rights, I’d be doing exactly that right now.  But if I can’t do an I-Man movie, bringing together a cast that I care deeply about is the next best thing.  This is a project that I’m thrilled to be a part of.  It is my wish that this will be a movie that will thrill you too.

Call me crazy, but I’m not totally giving up on I-Man.  There is a chance, albeit a slim one, that this movie could possibly trigger interest in I-Man.  But this movie would need to be a hit and be profitable.  Like it or not, money talks in Hollywood.  On the production side of things, I’m going to do everything I can to make that happen, but I can only do so much.  In the end, it’s the audience that decides whether to watch or not.

No matter what happens, seeing our cast together again on the screen is so worth all this work.  I can’t wait for that day!

Urgent: The Sci Fi “Invisible Man” Forum Needs Your Vote!

Do you remember the great little board forum that The Invisible Man had at SciFi.com?  Remember how we grumbled and complained when Sci Fi deleted it?  Well, the I-Man forum has a chance to come back to the Sci Fi board, but it needs your vote!

Sci Fi is holding a poll right now to give fans a chance to vote if they want their favorite shows’ forums restored to the bulletin board.  As of this posting, Invisible Man has 11 votes, and according to Sci Fi, all a show needs is 10 votes, so technically we should see our old forum restored to the site in the near future.  Yay! 

So why am I asking you to go vote?  Well, because I’d love to send a message to Sci Fi that the I-Man audience is still here and still supporting their show.  I, for one, would love to see I-Man reruns back on TV and this could be a way to send Sci Fi executives that message (not to mention that reruns would help the movie project).  I think we can do a heck of a lot better than 11 votes. 

The poll is open until January 31, 2007, so there is very little time.  Please vote and spread the word to everyone you know and get them to vote.

To vote go to the SciFi.com forums and scroll down and click on the General Discussion section.  Then click on the New forums for old favorites topic near the top of the list to vote for The Invisible Man.  You must be signed in to vote.

Thank you for your help.