I apologize that this piece of news is over a week late, but I’ve been snowed under with homework. It’s the middle of the semester and our assignments are getting more complicated and, thus, more time consuming. In addition, I’ve also taken a business plan class and a cash flow analysis class within the last couple of weeks. Busy. Busy.
But I don’t want to talk about my classes tonight. Let’s talk about The IT Room! This is a brand new webisode series starring Mike McCafferty. It’s a cute little show that pokes fun at IT problems. I think a lot of us can probably find something to relate to here. I know I sure can. You may, also, find it fascinating that this show is completely improvised.
Look around the site and you’ll find lots of ways you can interact and help out. They are looking for IT horror stories, which you can submit via a video or their blog. You can even submit a design for the official IT Room t-shirt. There’s a couple of contests with some pretty cool prizes too.
The first episode went online on November 11 and is ready for you to watch. Simply go to http://www.theitroom.com to view it!