“The Invisible Man” Gets its Own Chapter

A couple of years ago I was approached by author/journalist Mark Phillips who, along with his writing partner Frank Garcia, was writing the second in a series of books on science fiction TV series.  Their first book, Science Fiction Television Series, was published in 2006 and covered TV series from 1959 to 1989.  Their second book was to cover series from 1990 to 2004.  So guess which series that we all know and love fits into that date range?  Yep, The Invisible Man.

When Mark approached me asking for help on an Invisible Man chapter that he was writing for the book, I was happy to help.  Hey, I’m a fan.  How could I resist?  So I provided information about the show and helped edit the chapter, as well as arranged interviews with Vince and Paul

Now, after all this time, the book has finally been published!  Mark did a really nice job with the chapter.  There are maybe one or two errors that crept into the chapter, but for the most part, it’s pretty accurate.

Mark starts out with a quote from writer Leslie Stevens who said, “Invisibility sucks.”  Leslie wasn’t referring to the power of invisibility but, instead, was complaining about the difficulty in creating a successful series about invisibility.  Is it any wonder?  Virtually every invisible man series created before our invisible man series has performed poorly.  But when you consider that film is a visual medium and invisibility is, well, invisible, you can begin to see the difficulties that filmmakers have making invisibility work.

This makes me appreciate the brilliance of Matt Greenberg even more.  Not only did he not skimp on the invisibility aspects, but he created a way to do invisibility that we hadn’t seen before, what with the gland and Quicksilver.  However, he wisely didn’t put the focus on the invisibility.  Instead, he created fun, flawed, and fascinating characters that we could fall in love with and care about.  In fact, it was the “show’s emphasis on characterization” that attracted Vince to the part of Darien.

Mark writes about several of the episodes such as the pilot (good choice), “Catevari,” and “Legends.”  In hindsight, I probably should have suggested that he include something about a few of the stronger episodes.  I would have liked to have seen something in the chapter about “Flowers for Hobbes,” “Brother’s Keeper,” or “The Other Invisible Man.”


Subjects Mark writes about in the chapter include the casting process, the chemistry between Vince and Paul, the visual effects, the addition of agent Alex Monroe, and the cancellation.  There’s some interesting stuff there that you may or may not know about.

The book is definitely a must have for I-Man fans, as well as lovers of science fiction TV shows.  You can purchase a copy for yourself by clicking on the link below.  That will take you to a website filled with all kinds of information about both books as well as ordering info.  (I bought my copy from Amazon.) 

Note:  I’m not making any money plugging this book.  My only rewards have been being able to help with promoting I-Man to more people and getting a very nice acknowledgment in the Acknowledgments section of the book.

 Science Fiction Television Series

Catching Up On Paul Ben-Victor News, Part 1

Paul Ben-Victor at the Prism Awards
Paul Ben-Victor at the Prism Awards

A few weeks back I told Paul that I would get a blog post up and let all of you know about his new Facebook fan page.  Well, I have to apologize to him and you for the delay.  Things have been really busy for me and I’m just now getting it done.  

Not long ago, I scoured through the I-Man pictures that I’ve collected over the years and sent a whole bunch of them to him for his new Facebook fan page.  However, I only sent him pictures that he was in.  Hey, after all this is his fan page.  But you’ll also see plenty of the rest of the cast in those pics.    

The fan page is run by a friend of his.  So, if you’re a Facebook user, or if you want to be, go join Paul’s new Facebook fan page and show your support.  Check it out!  

Paul Ben-Victor’s Facebook Page

In Plain Sight

The Prism Awards

In Plain Sight continues its second season on USA.  Recently the show was nominated for a Prism award.  It didn’t win, but Paul was one of the presenters at the awards ceremony. 

Season One DVDs

If you’ve been wanting to buy this series on DVD, wait no more.  Season one of In Plain Sight is now available, and it happens to be on sale right now at Amazon.com.  


Paul answers the question:  What was it like filming in Albuquerque?  
Paul answers the question:  Why are viewers going to watch the second season?  
Paul answers the question:  How does it feel to be part of a successful show?  
Paul answers the question:  What is in store for Stan this season?  
Paul answers the question:  What are your favorite parts of filming last season?  
Part two coming soon.  

Coming Soon: “In Plain Sight” Season Two

After a long hiatus, Paul Ben-Victor will be back on the small screen when season two of In Plain Sight starts this coming Sunday, April 19, at 10:00 p.m./9:00 p.m. Central, on USA.

While you’re waiting in anticipation, you might want to read this interesting interview:  20 questions for … ‘In Plain Sight’ co-star Paul Ben-Victor.  Body art?  Who knew?


Vince Guest Stars in “Dollhouse”

This week we’re getting a double dose of Vincent Ventresca!  How great is that?  Vince is playing the role of Nolan in an episode of Dollhouse entitled “Needs.”  The episode airs Friday, April 3, at 9:00 p.m./8:00 p.m. Central, on FOX.

Synopsis:  When Echo, Sierra and Victor awaken in the Dollhouse with most of their original personalities and memories intact, Echo leads the charge to free the Actives from their apparent captivity and escape the Dollhouse forever. Meanwhile, Ballard discovers the Dollhouse is closer than he thinks.

Official Dollhouse Website

Vince Guest Stars in “Without a Trace”


Set your DVRs!  Vincent Ventresca will be guest starring in an upcoming episode of Without a Trace.  The episode is entitled “Daylight” and was originally scheduled to air this coming Tuesday, March 24, at 10:00 p.m. on CBS.  However, because of the President’s press conference, CBS is showing on their schedule that the episode has been pushed back to Tuesday, March 31, at 10:00 p.m.  As usual, be sure to check your local listings. 

Synopsis:  During the search for a missing psychologist, the team discovers the victim’s brother was imprisoned for serial rape, which makes them question if his brother’s past is connected to the disappearance. Meanwhile, Martin’s relationship with Kim heats up.

Vince plays the role of David Morgan in this episode.

Vincent Ventresca in “The Beast”


Vincent Ventresca guest starred this week in A&E’s The Beast in the episode entitled “Nadia.”  A&E repeats their episodes so you still have a chance to see this on TV.  According to the schedule, “Nadia” will air on the following dates (but do make sure to check the schedule in your own area):

  • Saturday, January 31, at 11:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, February 1, at 3:00 a.m.
  • Tuesday, February 3, at 11:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 4, at 3:00 a.m.
  • Sunday, February 8, at 4:00 p.m.

You can also watch the full episode online.  I’m not sure how long A&E keeps their episodes up, but I imagine the episode should be available for viewing for at least a couple of weeks.

“The Beast” Official Website

Watch “Nadia” Online





Mike McCafferty News

Our own Mike McCafferty is keeping pretty busy these days.  Here are a couple of news items that you will want to take immediate note of.


After having been cut from several feature films, including the blockbuster National Treasure 2, Mike’s fortune has finally changed and you can catch a glimpse of him playing the role of a ticket agent in the latest Angelina Jolie film, Changeling, which was directed by Clint Eastwood.  The film opened in limited release Friday and goes wide October 31.  Congratulations, Mike!  

Official Changeling Website

True Blood

Mike has a small part in tonight’s episode of True Blood at 9:00 p.m. on HBO.  If you miss it, you’ll be able to catch reruns throughout the week.  Be sure to check the schedule.

I remember this show being heavily promoted during Comic-Con.  There were signs hanging in several places and they were passing out all kinds of free swag.  What I find rather humorous are the marketing websites for this show.  There’s a product website for the beverage Tru Blood, a human/vampire dating website, a website for vampire rights, a website against vampire rights, and a blog written by humans about vampires.  Pretty clever stuff.  You can check out the websites by clicking the links below.




