The Con-Time Machine

Hello team,

I thought I’d share this little short film I made a month ago. It’s of marginal interest to I-man fans because A. I and jason Makiaris are in it and B. It’s sort of a spoof on H.G. Wells’ “The Time-Machine”, forefather of our beloved Invisible Man.

This was entered into the Channel 101 short film monthly competition, in which the top five voted films get to make additional episodes. This actually finished sixth, oddly enough, right behind my return series “Quest“, so it was a mixed evening to be sure.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it.


Mike Guest Stars in “Chad Vader”

There’s a fun little series going around the Internet called Chad Vader.  It’s a spoof on the Star Wars Darth Vader character.  Created by Matt Sloan and Aaron Yonda of Blame Society Productions, the latest installment, Episode 5 (Holiday Special), features our own Mike McCafferty as a rather unconventional ghost.

Go check it out on YouTube and may the force be with you.

Mike McCafferty

Eberts, er, Collins Files.

Amanda beat me to the punch with her post.

I’ve uploaded my scene if you’d like to watch it. I don’t really consider this to be too illegal since Fox did everything in their power to kill this movie, including not spending a dime on advertising (the first film to have that distinction in 41 years) and waiting 2 1/2 years to release it.

As I said before, I played this as Eberts. There’s very little distinction between “Collins” and Eberts and in fact it’s very easy for me to believe that after the Agency Eberts transfered to the Army’s research division. The Army was good and bad to Eberts, he lost 20 pounds but got bad eyesight and grew a mustache.

*If you look of my right shoulder there’s a picture that’s mostly obscured. That’s a shot of my 3 day old son. Kiernan was born and two days later I was in Austin, TX shooting this. I brought a picture and they put it in the frame. His first big break in show business.

*I do say the “N” word, so be advised. About a year after we shot the film Mike Judge brought me to the Fox lot (The Marge Simspson recording room no less!) to record some additional dialogue. He gave me that line and I thought it was funny. I think in the context it’s not me or Collins being racist, but rather Collins trying to become a pimp by changing his language. I probably wouldn’t qualify any of this if Michael Richards hadn’t totally lost his mind.

*Mike Judge is an amazing guy and I’m sad his movies get treated so badly. He sounds exactly like Hank Hill in real life. He lives in Austin and records all his “King of the Hill” lines there.

* The pimp is rapper Scarface. He showed up for the photo shoot with an entourage of about 7 guys. Most of them passed out from being hung over the previous night. Scarface started hitting on Maya Rudolph during the photo shoot. He was probably just kidding but Maya wasn’t having any of that and looked pissed. It was funny, though.

* Some of the photo shoot of Collins with the pimp was in a real bar. It was about 2 pm and there were locals already there. They didn’t seem to notice or care when an Army Lt. Colonel, 2 pimps and 15 “ho’s” (Mike Judge’s words) walked in and began to take pictures.

As I said before, I think this character is probably Eberts. It’s a funny ending for his character…at least until the I-Man movie. Who knows, maybe while he’s rotting in a military prison, The Official will offer him a pardon. All he has to do is participate in a little experiment…

Well, that’s what I got for right now. You can check my MySpace blog to read about my auditions and I’ll stop by here occasionally to update you on the movie from my perspective and the doing of other cast members. Until then, Shoom on.


“Idiocracy” Comes to DVD

This post was actually supposed to be up on Tuesday but I’ve been waylaid by the flu and am only now starting to feel well enough to spend more than a few minutes at my computer.  If I could only get my coworkers to stop coming to work sick and sharing their germs with everyone.  That kind of generosity I could do without.  You know what I mean?

Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know that as of Tuesday, January 9, Mike McCafferty’s film, Idiocracy, is now available for purchase on DVD. 

Idiocracy stars Luke Wilson as Army Private Joe Bowers, an “average American” who has been put in a deep-freeze hibernation experiment as part of a top-secret Army program. Things go wrong and Bowers doesn’t wake up for 500 years. However, America has changed for the worse, becoming so dumbed-down that Bowers is now the smartest person in the world.

There has been all kinds of speculation about why this film has received so little support from the studio.  It took two years for this film to get released, and then it only got a very limited release in seven cities with virtually no marketing, no advertising, and no official website.  Needless to say, some fans have been unhappy with the way this film has been handled. 

So if this film wasn’t released in your area and you’ve been waiting to see it, you don’t have to wait any longer.  DVDs are now available at

Mike McCafferty

The Search for the Man in Red

Mike McCafferty and company are at it again.  This time they invade a shopping mall.  Their mission?  To find the man in red, who isn’t what he claims to be, before they get thrown out by mall security. 

The result of their endeavour is called Store Trek: The Wrath of Klaus

Check out the two versions and watch our heroes try to save an entire civilization from being consumed by mirth and merriment. 

Short Version 

Extended Version

Mike McCafferty in a Dodge Nitro Commercial

Are you one of those people who mute the TV during commercials?  Or maybe you run to the kitchen for a snack?  Well, maybe you’ll want to stick around and try watching commercials now because you might catch a glimpse of Mike McCafferty in a commercial for the Dodge Nitro. 

Mike gets blown “up.”  But don’t worry.  No Mike McCaffertys have been harmed in the making of this commercial.

If you don’t want to wait and would prefer to watch it now, head on over and watch it on YouTube

To Boldly Film Where No One Has Filmed Before

Mike McCafferty in Star Trek Parody

Here’s a fun little no-budget short that Mike McCafferty and company shot recently called Fry’s Trek.  It’s a Star Trek parody filmed at a sci-fi themed Fry’s in the LA area.  (Why can’t we have themed Fry’s in the Bay Area?)  It’s been getting quite a bit of attention over at YouTube with over 20,000 hits to date.  Even Wil Wheaton, who played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek:The Next Generation and had a guest role on The Invisible Man, linked to the video on his blog.

As usual, Mike nails the role of Captain Kirk.  And do you recognize the character of Matt Fry?  Yep, that’s Jason Makiaris, who had a guest role on The Invisible Man as Dr. Murav. 

It’s fun to watch these guys try to keep in character even as they are being kicked out by security.  Ah, the joys of guerrilla filmmaking. 

Fry’s Trek

How Fans Can Help

First of all, let me say that it is a pleasure to have Mike McCafferty join this blog as a contributing author.  Without Mike and that conversation we had last year, I would have never been able to take on a project such as this one.  But Mike helped me realize that collaboration between a cast and fans is very possible.  It just takes willingness on the part of both parties to work together and get it done.  We’re definitely going into new territory here.  Already, old rules are being broken and new ones are being created.

In his post, Mike asked for your help to promote this project.  Now you may be thinking, “Of course, I will help!  As soon as that movie is released, I’m going to tell everyone I know about it.”  And that’s great.  But instead of waiting until the movie is released, how about start now?  Seems kind of early, doesn’t it?  Well, bear with me and let me explain.

It’s going to take some time to build buzz (which the dictionary defines as “excited interest or attention”) and there are fewer of us now than there was before, so the earlier we start the better.  Not only can buzz help increase the audience for the movie, but it can also help to get it made.  How is that? 

There are two big hurdles to jump over in getting this movie made:  financing and distribution. 

Let’s talk about financing first.  I mention on the About Page that I have had some preliminary interest from a funding source, and that’s true.  But at this point in time it’s not guaranteed.  That funding source might come through for us and provide all the money needed to get this movie made.  On the other hand, it could also fall through for a variety of reasons:  from simply losing interest in the project, to having resources already tied up in other ventures, to thinking that this isn’t a good investment.  Having funding fall through is actually a fairly common occurance in filmmaking and anyone who wants to be a producer has to be prepared to deal with that fact.  I’ve been told to not just wait until the check is in the bank, but wait until the check actually clears. 

People who invest in movies know that it is a risky investment, but they also know that the payoff can be big if the movie turns out to be hit.  There are several factors that they look at when considering whether or not to invest in a film venture, but I’m going to only cover a couple right now:  audience and distribution.

Having a built-in audience is not something that every film has, but producers often try to minimize the risks and make the film more appealing to financiers by getting a “name” star or two in their film.  It doesn’t always work and we could probably all cite examples when a known star was in a film that flopped.  But many times it does work.  How many of you have gone to see a movie just because Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, or Angelina Jolie was starring in it?  These actors are considered bankable, which is why if producers can get a name actor interested in their movie, they have a better chance of getting their film funded.

We happen to be very fortunate.  We have a very talented cast from an awesome little TV show for our film.  But the show has been off the air for a few years in the U.S. (though it is still airing in a few other countries), so investors are going to want to know if there is still a worldwide audience that wants to see this cast come together again. 

Another thing that investors consider is distribution.  While investors sometimes fund films without any kind of distribution deal in place, having a distribution deal already in place makes for a stronger case.  As a producer, I owe it to the investors to get the best distribution deal possible. To do otherwise is unconscionable.  After all, they are the ones who are putting their money on the line.

So do distributors consider the audience when deciding what films to promote and distribute/air?  Yes, that’s definitely one of the factors they take into account.  Like investors, they too are putting their money on the line.  A film that already has a built-in audience can definitely be more attractive to them.

Now, I’m going to work my you-know-what off for this film and try to make it as good as I can with the resources I acquire.  And, if you, the audience, are willing to support that and show that there is an audience for our I-Man cast, our chances for success will be that much greater. I know we can create something special of which we can all be proud.

Now you may be wondering just what is it that you can do to help, so I’ve taken Mike’s suggestions and added a couple of my own.  These ideas are easy to do and don’t cost anything.

  • Tell a friend–Do you have a friend that is a fan of The Invisible Man or its cast?  Do you know someone who enjoys quality TV and movies?  Tell them about this project and website!  And tell them to tell their friends.  Spread the word!
  • Bulletin Boards–Do you visit any online bulletin boards?  As long as it doesn’t violate the board’s rules or policies, how about posting a blurb about this exciting project?  And don’t forget to include a link to this website. 
  • Blogs and Websites–Do you have a blog or website?  Please consider putting up a link to Shoom Zone Productions.  Links help in a couple of ways:  1)  They help drive visitors to this site, and 2)  They help increase our search engine rankings.  Once you have a link up, please contact me via the Contact Form or leave a comment and let me know that you’ve linked to this site.  Don’t forget to include a link to your website or blog because I want to be sure to reciprocate by adding your website or blog to a new link category I’ve created called Friends & Supporters.  The idea is to grow the list of friends and supporters as large as possible.  When I give presentations to investors and distributors, I want to be able to show them all the people who support this project!  And I want it to be impressive!
  • MySpace–Do you have a MySpace page?  So does Shoom Zone Productions!  It’s located at  Please add Shoom Zone Productions to your MySpace friends list.  The goal is to spread the news and grow the friends list.  Let’s make it huge!  Let’s impress those investors and distributors! 

Those are just a few things that you can do right now to help out.  For your convenience, I’ve posted them on a new page called How Fans Can Help.  This list is by no means comprehensive, so if anybody has any ideas that I can add to this list, please let me know.

Thank you for your support.  Let’s get our cast together again!