Lights, Camera, Action!

So last night finished up a directing class that I’ve been taking at a local community college.  We got together and had a screening where we got to watch our work and, afterward, a guest speaker, who is a local production coordinator, talked about budgeting.

During the course of the class each of us had to choose a scene from a script, break it down, create a shot list, and storyboard it.  Let me tell you, I couldn’t draw if my life depended upon it, so it was stick figures for me!  We learned about casting calls, but I missed the day they talked about acting and working with actors. 

Then each of us got to play director and shoot our chosen scenes.  We were running short on time so I opted out of directing my scene.  I don’t have any plans to be a director, but my classmates do so I figured they would need the experience more than me.

But, low and behold, we were short on actors, so guess who got recruited into the job?  Now, the only thing I’ve ever done in front of an audience is public speaking and dancing.  Acting was a totally new experience for me.  But it was interesting to get a small taste of what an actor does:  memorizing lines, repeating the same lines and actions over and over again for each take, taking direction from the director, keeping my movements smaller for closeups.  Actually, when I think about it, there are some similarities to public speaking and dancing.  So would I ever want to be an actor?  Heck, no.  Even though I got compliments on my acting, it was downright painful watching myself at that screening last night.  Nope, no acting for me.  I’ll do the world a favor and remain behind the scenes.

Getting past the pain of watching myself, it was a good learning experience to watch the scenes that we shot.  The teacher pointed out mistakes that are typical for a beginner director.  A few that I can remember off the top of my head are: 

  • In one shot the framing was off and there was too much air space above the actors’ heads.
  • Another time, the actors weren’t blocked properly and it looked like the actress was on the head of one of the actors.  Also, there was no continuity and sometimes the actress was in the shot and sometimes she wasn’t.  It not only looked strange, but the whole reason for the shot lost its meaning without her.
  • The funniest was seeing the fuzzy fur-covered microphone at the top of the shot and one of the lights over to the side.  Oops…another framing mistake.

So maybe by now you’re wondering why I took a directing class even though I have no plans to be a director.  Well, producers have been described as generalists.  They need to know a little about each job, but they don’t have to be experts in those jobs.  But they need to know enough to be able to hire the right people and budget for those jobs. 

So far I’ve taken classes in scriptwriting, lighting and cinematography, directing, film production, and early film history, among others.  Since I’m new to this, I’ve got the double job of keeping the project moving forward while I keep my education moving forward.  I’m always in the middle of reading of a book or two and when one class finishes, I start looking for my next class.  Fortunately for me, I love learning, and this is a job where the learning never stops. 

Joel Bissonnette in This Week’s “Standoff”

I’m really sorry to post this announcement after the fact, but I didn’t find out about Joel Bissonnette’s (Arnaud De Fehrn) guest appearance in Standoff until after the show was over.  Literally five minutes after the show was over, I found out.  And, yes, I missed it.

The good news is that you can go to Standoff’s MySpace page and watch the episode there on demand.  It should be up for three weeks.  How cool is that?

On another note, remember Jonathan Glassner?  To refresh your memory, he was one of two executive producers who came on board after Matt Greenberg left I-Man.  Well, he’s now working as Co-Executive Producer/Director on Standoff.  Interesting how so many I-Man alum end up working together again on different shows. 

If you enjoy the behind-the-scenes stuff, then you gotta check out this cool video in which Glassner takes us through the making of an episode of Standoff

Oh Where, Oh Where Have Our DVDs Gone? Oh Where, Oh Where Can They Be?

Credit for this topic goes to Laura, who made the suggestion that I talk about I-Man DVDs.  Thanks, Laura! 

The subject of I-Man DVDs has been a source of frustration to I-Man fans for a long time, especially if you live in the U.S. or Canada, because, as you most likely already know, as of this date, no DVDs have been made for Region 1 (U.S. and Canada).  And since it isn’t currently airing in the U.S. or Canada that makes it tough for people who have never seen the show to get familiar with it.  Just the other day I had a meeting with a local director at a coffee shop.  He knows what project I’m working on, was curious about The Invisible Man, and wanted to check the show out.  I had to explain to him, just as I explain to everyone else who asks, that not only is the show not currently airing, but, also, no DVDs exist for it in this country.  You can bet that I would have loved to tell him that he could run down to the local Suncoast or Wal-Mart and pick up season one and two of this cool little show, but, alas, I couldn’t.  Frustrating indeed. 

Will we ever get I-Man DVDs here in the U.S. and Canada?  Well, that’s anybody’s guess.  As of this date, I haven’t heard any news that suggests that we will see them any time in the near future. 

Back when Ian Atkins was working on the U.K. DVDs, the foreign video distribution rights were owned by a South American company called America Video Films.  While I haven’t looked into it, it’s possible that the company still owns those rights.  The fact that they advertise I-Man on their site leads me to think that is a strong possibility.  If you go to their website ( and do a search for “invisible man” by title, you’ll find a blurb written about the show as well as a trailer that you can watch.  The trailer emphasizes the drama and angst, but leaves out the humor, giving viewers a rather lopsided impression of the tone of the show, but it’s still fun to watch.

I gotta tell you that if I wasn’t tied up with this movie project right now, I’d love to take on trying to get I-Man DVDs produced in this country.  But maybe some other enterprising fan will take on the project the way Ian Atkins did in the U.K.

There is so much more to cover on this subject, but I’m going to save that for future posts.  Stay tuned because I’ll be talking about which countries have DVDs and where they can be ordered, after all, this site is visited by readers from around the world.  I’ll, also, explain regions for those of you not familiar with them, and identify some region-free DVD players. 

If anybody has any info on I-Man DVDs that they want to share with everyone else, please drop me a line so that I can include it in future posts.

A Little Knowledge…

It is said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  That might be true when it causes one to think that they are more of an expert than they really are or to overestimate their abilities.  On the other hand, sometimes a little knowledge is just what you need.

I’m currently working on getting Shoom Zone Productions set up as an LLC (Limited Liability Company).  This is the first time I’ve set up this particular form of business.  Since I need to educate myself about it, I started asking my CPA questions about LLCs.  Did he answer them?  Nope.  Instead, he got up and walked over to his bookshelf and pulled out a Nolo book on LLCs.  He showed it to me and said that he could answer my questions, but it would cost me a fortune for him to teach me the basics, which I can easily learn on my own by reading the book.

Hmm…a $45 book or his hourly rate?  It wasn’t a hard decision to make.

So, lately, yours truly has had her nose stuck in a book about LLCs.  It’s not going to make me an expert.  I have my CPA and lawyer for that.  But once I’ve read the book, I’ll be able to talk to them from a more knowledgable position.  No wasting their time and my money teaching me the basics.  We’ll be able to skip over that part and go straight to the specific issues that will effect the business directly. 

Already I’ve got a few questions to ask them and as I read more the list grows.  But they’re questions I wouldn’t have thought of asking if I hadn’t read the book…at least not right away.

Sometimes a little knowledge can be a good thing.

Nestor Carbonell Guest Stars This Week in “Day Break”

Have any of you been watching the new ABC series Day Break?  If you haven’t, I recommend that you sit down this Wednesday and give it a try.  Not only because Shannon Kenny’s husband, Nestor Carbonell, has a guest role on this week’s episode, but also because, in my opinion (for what that’s worth), it’s looking to be a really good show.  Only two episodes have aired and I’m already sucked in. 

The show is a take on Groundhog Day where a police detective, played by Taye Diggs, is forced to live what is possibly the worst day of his life over and over again.  Each day he makes different choices resulting in different consequences.  And each day he uncovers new clues to help him try to fix a day that has gone horribly wrong.

Day Break airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on ABC.  This week’s episode is entitled “What If He Can Change the Day.”

If the premise interests you and you want to watch it from the beginning, you can watch the first two episodes online in streaming video at

Home Page Updated

Yesterday I was fiddling around with the home page and decided that while it looked okay, it needed some kind of caption or blurb that would help grab the attention of visitors.  Something that would make them say, “Hey, that looks interesting!  I think I’ll check it out.”  So I wrote a short one-sentence blurb.  But as I read it again, it seems a bit run on to me.  I understand what I’m trying to say, but do you?  Anybody have a better suggestion?  Or do you think it’s fine the way it is?

Also, if you scroll down the page a bit, you’ll see a blue box with the “Thought for the day.”  (I also put it up on the MySpace page.)  The thought changes daily (except for Sundays); and clicking on the box will take you to one of my favorite websites, The Daily Motivator, where you can read the entire message.  The box doesn’t exactly match the color scheme, but who cares?  We all could use a little support, inspiration, and motivation as we pursue our goals and dreams, so I thought I’d share this great little site with all of you. 

Half-Price Tickets to Eddie Jone’s Play

This came in today from Eddie Jones regarding his play Death of a Salesman.

Hello again to all.  I am writing to let you know we are offering ½ price tickets for this Sat. show at (8) PM and the Sun. at 2 PM.  Please get your superior posteriors to our seats.  They will be very happy to see you.  And, of course, so will we.  We have an excellent show.  Guaranteed.


So if you’re in the LA area this weekend and you want to make those comfy seats, as well as Eddie and company, very happy, go take advantage of this half-price offer and save yourself some bucks.

Death of a Salesman runs from October 28 – December 15, 2006.  Show times are on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. and Sundays at 2:00 p.m.

The Odyssey Theatre is located at:
2055 South Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025

For tickets call the Odyssey Box Office at 310-477-2055 or go to

Fox Orders More “Standoff”

Craig Silverstein must be breathing a sigh of relief right now.  Fox has ordered six more episodes of his freshman series Standoff.  Adding to the initial 13 episodes ordered, this brings the total to 19 episodes. 

According to Variety, “Fox opted to order six episodes of Standoff rather than the usual nine because, with Idol and 24, net believes it won’t have a need for more segs, a spokesman said.”

While the ratings have been described as “modest,” they were high enough for Fox to keep it on the air for now.  Perhaps this will give the show the time it needs to attract the audience necessary to get a season two. 

If you’ve missed an episode and want to catch up, you can watch on demand episodes at Standoff’s MySpace page